Flight diverted after pilot’s coffee spills on control panel, smoke fills...

On Sept. 12, the U.K.’s Department of Transport, Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) revealed in a new report that a Condor Airlines...

VWhy we should care about AI used for hiring?

Are AI hiring practices worth the hype and mystical aura? Researchers provide an overview of artificial intelligence in the...

SpaceX Starhopper Prototype Flew This Week To Its Highest Altitude Yet

This week on Tuesday, Starhopper – the early test prototype of SpaceX’s Mars-colonizing Starship spacecraft, took its last flight into the South...

Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2019 Has Started

The skis above Bristol began to be full of color from yesterday, when the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta started at 06:30 BST...

India Was Successful In Its Second Attempt at a Moon Mission

India has successfully launched a moon mission today, the aim is to soft land a rover on the moon – a time...

Children of Holocaust Survivors Have Inherited Concentration Camp “Brain Damage” According...

The findings of researchers at Masaryk University’s Research Center for Neuroscience in the Czech Republic have found that the mental health of...

New Study Says Heavy Rains Will Continue To Intensify Around The...

A new study published at the beginning of the month in the journal Water Resources Research shows that torrential rains have become...

Toyota’s Japan Taxi Has Become An Expensive Olympic Symbol

Toyota’s Japan Taxi was launched in 2017, and was created by a government project meant to put a taxi on Japan's roads...

China Created A Facial Recognition App Meant To Recognize Pandas

Even though giant pandas are instantly recognizable as a species, their uniform black and white markings makes them rather anonymous to the...

Virgin Galactic Is Moving to Spaceport America in New Mexico

Richard Branson’s space tourism company announced last week that it will be moving its headquarters from Mojave California to Spaceport America, New...

Recent Posts

India Was Successful In Its Second Attempt of a Moon Mission

India Was Successful In Its Second Attempt at a Moon Mission

India has successfully launched a moon mission today, the aim is to soft land a rover on the moon – a time...

Posting bear-encounter photos on social media can harm the animals

Close encounters to bears are often filmed with a mobile phone and could be dangerous for the animals’ future well-being, educator explains.
Virgin Galactic Is Moving to Spaceport America in New Mexico

Virgin Galactic Is Moving to Spaceport America in New Mexico

Richard Branson’s space tourism company announced last week that it will be moving its headquarters from Mojave California to Spaceport America, New...
Starbucks Opened Its Biggest Roastery In Tokyo

Starbucks Opened Its Biggest Roastery In Tokyo

The biggest Starbucks store and roastery just opened last Thursday in Tokyo, Japan, but it isn’t like any other in the world, this one...
SpaceX Starhopper Prototype Flew This Week To Its Highest Altitude Yet

SpaceX Starhopper Prototype Flew This Week To Its Highest Altitude Yet

This week on Tuesday, Starhopper – the early test prototype of SpaceX’s Mars-colonizing Starship spacecraft, took its last flight into the South...