Are AI hiring practices worth the hype and mystical aura?
Researchers provide an overview of artificial intelligence in the workplace, provides practical to-dos for organizations considering AI tools for their hiring process, and explains how psychologists can help along the way.
AI was voted the biggest trend by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
During recent years, artificial intelligence has become much more prominent business processes recently and, to none of our surprise, it was voted the number one trend in SIOP’s Top 10 Workplace Trends for 2019.
As AI continues to gain traction, it will be critical for organizations to include I-O psychologists on their data science teams to leverage expertise in psychological theory and methods in ensuring optimal outcomes for organizations.
“Artificial Intelligence in Talent Assessment and Selection” is the latest in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) white paper series. Written by Neil Morelli, PhD, VP of Product and Assessment Science at Berke, this paper provides an overview of artificial intelligence in the workplace, provides practical to-dos for organizations considering AI tools for their hiring process, and explains how I-O psychologists can help along the way.
Media channels often feature stories on the “future of work,” “the skills gap,” “income inequality,” and “globalization.” What these stories have in common is a focus on the work people will do in the future and how they will be placed in those jobs. In other words, how people are hired and managed are interests among everyday people. AI is a driving force behind the workforce changes occurring and is a tool that can help hire people into jobs.
HR has a lot to makeup for in the AI industry
However, HR is late to the AI game. Anyone interested in the future of work, HR, or hiring should read this whitepaper to get up to speed on this evolving topic. Artificial intelligence is changing the way businesses operate and has the potential to revolutionize the way we select and retain talent. For businesses to take advantage of new technology, they must first understand it. AI is complex topic, but Morelli breaks it down in a relatable manner so that HR practitioners can take action.
In addition to providing an overview and background on the topic, Morelli discusses three next steps for consumers to consider before using an AI hiring tool. He explains the options of getting I-O psychologists involved, pairing AI-based tools with human decision makers, and applying a healthy amount of skepticism to marketing materials provided by vendors.