Crime rate forecast to increase this holiday season

Crime Prevention during the holiday season

Amidst the busy shopping spree and preparation for the coming festivities, burglary, theft, and robbery are expected to surge this holiday season. The data provided by the Freedom of Information Act revealed that in December crime rate averages to 21 percent.

As of today, there are 448 burglaries, 65 robberies, and 1,082 thefts accounted as the holidays slowly creeps in. Since 2015-17, robbery cases increased from 770 in 2015-16 to 998 in 2016-17 and theft reaches a booming increase of 15,000 in 2016-17 from 12,398 in 2015-16.

Cases like these are a concern to most Brits especially to the National Crime Agency as the holiday season is the time where people go out mostly, leaving their homes susceptible to robbery and theft. VPS Security, a leading firm for security and protection, notes that data from the last Christmas season is the perfect way to warn people from possible crimes.

Security experts details that properties without security protection are five times more susceptible to theft, robbery, burglary, and even trespassing crimes this holidays.

Commercial and Industrial properties are also prone to such types of crime. Primarily, construction sites left unmanned due to the holiday break which increases the chances of getting their materials stolen. Last year’s data revealed almost 92 percent of construction site experience theft.

Hence, experts suggest staying updated with the police guides on crime prevention. Further, individuals must heighten security via added security features of their houses.

It is uplifting to be festive this holiday season. But, it’s more festive knowing your property are protected.