Cameron Stevens

I'm Cameron, and I've been in the news business for over ten years. I received my degree of professional journalism from Cardiff University. Since 2015, I've contributed news online and was able to launch some start-ups. Catch my daily contents here at The Broad Journal.

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Canada Is Warming Up At An Alarming Rate

Canada Is Warming Up At An Alarming Rate

A new report on climate change commissioned by the Canadian Environment and Climate Change Department announced that Canada has been and will continue to...
Starbucks Opened Its Biggest Roastery In Tokyo

Starbucks Opened Its Biggest Roastery In Tokyo

The biggest Starbucks store and roastery just opened last Thursday in Tokyo, Japan, but it isn’t like any other in the world, this one...
Mediterranean Diet Is The Best Diet For 2019

Mediterranean Diet Is The Best Diet For 2019

For the first time the Mediterranean diet has won the #1 spot as 2019’s best diets in rankings from US News & World Report....
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In a surprising turn of events, anti-government protestors triumphed on Sunday after polls closed in Hong Kong and pro-democracy candidates clinched nearly...
Important Fossil Discovery Was Made Recently In China

Important Fossil Discovery Was Made Recently In China

Palaeontologists consider these fossils to be estimated about 518 million years old and more than half of them have not been discovered before. The...