Tag: Norovirus

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Palm Oil Is The Number One Reason for Deforestation

Palm Oil Is The Number One Reason for Deforestation

Palm oil is not actually deadly when consumed, what’s damaging is the way it is produced, affecting the environment and wildlife. It...
Two Cities In Japan Are Asking Tourists To Stop Eating While They Walk

Two Cities In Japan Are Asking Tourists To Stop Eating While They Walk

Street food is often encountered in many countries. When visiting a new city and walking around street markets people love to hop...
American Airlines Accidentally Flew Passenger’s Dog To Wrong City

American Airlines Accidentally Flew Passenger’s Dog To Wrong City

Amber Dalton, a Virginia passenger flying from San Francisco to Raleigh, North Carolina was separated from her dog, Beast, for 30 hours...
Coca-Cola Is Launching Three New Flavors of Sparkling Smartwater

Coca-Cola Is Launching Three New Flavors of Sparkling Smartwater

Coca-Cola is launching a flavored sparkling Smartwater that they hope will be the new hype this summer. The new flavors available on shelves in...
Woman Harassed By Ex Who Worked For EE

Woman Harassed By Ex Who Worked For EE

A customer of EE, Francesca Bonafede, had her personal information breached and then was stalked by her ex-partner who worked at the firm in...